Project description
piątek, 07 lutego 2014 11:10


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Comenius Partnerships - Comenius Multilateral School Partnerships

             ‘Strengthening Out – of- School Time- S.O.S- Time’

                                         Contract: 2013-1-GR1-COM06-15189 6 


  1. The project is implemented from 1 September 2013 to 30 June 2015.
  2. The project is implemented by the European Union under the "Lifelong Learning Programme" granted to the school in the amount of 20 000 euros.
  3. The aim of the project is to help the schools involved create high quality after school activities for students of their district which will be based on non- formal methodologies of learning. Our long- term goal is to have the necessary expertise and content on the completion of this project for its eventual development into a European School Network supported by a multilingual portal, where innovative ideas and proposals for OST will be registered.
  4. The project provides visits of students and teachers in partner schools:


School:                                                                                  Country:    


Esvet Sabri Aytasman Kiz Teknik ve Meslek Lisesi                  TURKEY       

 Istituto Omnicomprensivo Rosselli –Rassetti                            ITALY


Partners’ visits:

- November 2013- Turkey

- May 2014- Poland

- October 2014 - Italy

- May 2015 - Turkey

5. Students and teachers will visit partner school in Poland.

6. The working language of the project is English.

Specific objectives

-        For the participants to acquire and exchange experience as far as the extra curricular activity techniques, resources, pedagogical ideas or methodology are concerned.

-        To have a positive impact on the development of students’ transversal competences, creativity, collaboration and effective communication skills

-        To develop understanding among students- teachers- parents- community

-        To boost communication in English

-        To encourage the feeling of European citizenship promoting tolerance and respect for other cultures

-        To proceed with the project development using ICT (Information and Communication Technology)


The project context will be cross - curricular one and will focus on three major fields: Science, Social Sciences and Arts. It will also take into consideration modern learning theories and the level of educational reality of the participating countries, so that it can be directly applied by teachers.



Poprawiony: piątek, 07 lutego 2014 11:22



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